Indian customer ordered NLS4 Inflow Pressure Screen for paper making project. High quality and high efficiency pressure screen for sale.
Waste paper recycling paper pulp production line machine. Yarn tube paper line upgrade project. Whole set yarn tube paper production line machine.
Paper recycling paper pulp making line machine. Full set paper making project machine. Wugang customer ordered full paper pulping line machine.
Armenia customer upgrade old tissue paper making production line. Full set tissue paper making line provided by our company. If you want to set tissue paper mill, welcome to contact us for more details.
African customers established new paper mill. Whole set paper pulp making line machine provided by our company. Professional manufacturer, high quality pulping machine and high efficiency.
Bangladeshi customers set 150t corrugated paper making project. Unit paper recycling corrugated paper making line machine provided by Leizhan company. Leizhan offer full set puler machine, screening machine and cleaning machine, etc.
Guangxi customer set new living paper making project, and ordered pulping equipment from our company. If you have an idea to set new living paper mill, please contact us.
Living paper making project, full set stock preparation line machine provided by Leizhan company. The customer set new living paper stock preparation line machine.
Peruvian customer set 80t/d tissue paper upgrade project. Ordered full set tissue paper manufacturing machine from our company. Our machine has the advantages of high quality, high efficiency and low energy consumption.
50t Yarn Tube Paper Making Machine shipped to Egypt. Full set yarn tube paper making line machine provided by Leizhan company. Main ordered machine included pulping machine, cleaning machine, screening machine, etc.
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