Pulp making line agitator is used to stir pulp cyclicallyin chest to maintain the pulp liquid in suspending condition. Paper recycling pulp making line agitator shipped to Henan.
Low density cleaner is used to remove heavy impurities in the corrugated paper making line. The low density cleaner has the advantages of high efficiency, save energy consumption and long service life.
A client from Colombia ordered high speed stock washer and vibrating screen from our company. Unit tissue paper making line machine can be provided by our company.
Waste paper pulping line vertical hydrapulper used in fluting paper making project. High quality vertical hydrapulper for paper pulping line.
Egg tray pulping line machine include conveying machine, pulper machine, screening machine, etc. A customer from Russia egg tray pulping line machine from our company. Contact us for more details. Email: leizhanchina@gmail.com.
A Mexican client set tissue paper making plant, ordered tissue paper pulping line machine from our company. Unit tissue paper production machine can be provided by our company.
Double disc refiner is used in copy paper project to improve the beating degree of paper pulp. Leizhan double disc refiner machine has the advantages of high efficiency, high qualtiy and low energy consumption.
Packaging paper include kraft paper, fluting paper and t-paper, etc. An Iranian customer ordered complete stock preparation machine from our company and successfully shipped to Iran. Leizhan provide unit paper making line machine.
Shanxi customer ordered inflow pressure screen and vibrating screen used in tissue paper making project. The pulping equipment we supply has the advantages of high efficiency, high quality and low energy consumption.
A complete white board coated paper making project include pulper machine, screening machine, cleaning machine and refining machine, etc. Leizhan is professional stock preparation machine supplier.
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